Amy Lisewski
Happy Author

Relax, We're All Just Making This Stuff Up!: Using the Tools of Improvisation to Cultivate More Courage and Joy in Your Life
Amy Lisewski
Published 2016
Amy Lisewski, the founder and director of Finest City Improv, a San Diego improv school and comedy theatre, wrote Relax, We’re All Just Making This Stuff Up especially for those that are not natural-born performers or comedians but want to add more happiness and fulfillment to their lives. She came to us with a completed first draft. We did a developmental edit, then ran the full production process. Her book has been available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook since August 2016.

There were so many great things about working with Bethany. I loved her detailed proposal that listed out all of the aspects of the project. She gave me a road map to follow and educated me on things that needed to be done to finish my book that I hadn't even thought about. I was glad to have someone working with me who knew so much about publishing.
Bethany did a developmental edit on my first draft. She gave me valuable feedback, telling me what parts grabbed her, what was interesting and what was missing. I needed someone who knew what they were doing, and Bethany was that person.