Myriam Chavarria Romero
Happy Author

Spanish edition of Leadership Embodiment
Translated by Myriam Chavarria Romero
Published 2020
An admirer and practitioner of Wendy Palmer’s work, Myriam Chavarria Romero, undertook the translation into Spanish of Wendy Palmer’s book Leadership Embodiment. We helped with the production, including sourcing a native Spanish speaking editor and proofreader. We prepared the ebook and supported the team in getting the book online.

Leadership Embodiment worldwide now has a beautiful Spanish translation and published book and ebook thanks to Publishing Partner’s amazing expertise, knowledge and patience! Your team demonstrated constant professionalism throughout the endless ups and downs that accompany the multitude of details when translating and publishing a book. Who knew? You did! The Publishing Partner team naturally absorbed every bump in the process that we thought was a catastrophe, with clear and concise actions, deftly reassuring us while meeting the timeline. Special compliments to Jorge Solá for his thoughtful and gentle editing.